Habrotrocha angularis, whirling; ventral view; trophi with dental formula 10/10. (Not exactly a rotifer from Europe (see below), but for the sake of completeness it is presented here.) |
Habrotrocha angularis, spurs and toes. |
Habrotrocha angularis, optical section through the rostrum; the upper lip is like the horn of a rhino. |
Habrotrocha angularis, dorsal view; focus on upper lip. |
Habrotrocha angularis, crop of the above image. |
Location: Galindez Island, (Argentina) Antarctica |
Habitat: soil |
Date:17.01.2012 |
Samples provided by courtesy of Dr. N. Iakovenko (1); Dr. K.Janko(2); Dr. J. Smykla (3). |
(1) National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev |
(2) Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
(3) Department of Biodiversity, Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland. |